Blade Ward (Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition) - Spell Review

Spell Level: Cantrip
School: Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round

Overview: Blade Ward is an abjuration cantrip that provides a temporary boost to a caster's defenses against physical attacks. It is a defensive spell meant to protect the caster in situations where they are vulnerable to melee attacks.

Mechanics: When cast, Blade Ward grants the caster resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks until the end of their next turn. This effectively halves the damage taken from these types of attacks for one round.


  1. Immediate Protection: Provides instant resistance to common physical damage types, making it useful in emergencies.

  2. No Material Components: Easy to cast with only verbal and somatic components, making it accessible in most situations.

  3. Simple and Effective: Offers a straightforward way to mitigate damage without requiring concentration or higher-level spell slots.


  1. Short Duration: The effect only lasts for one round, providing very temporary protection.

  2. Limited Scope: Only protects against weapon damage, not other types of damage such as magical, elemental, or ranged spell attacks.

  3. Uses an Action: Casting Blade Ward requires an action, which can often be better spent on offensive or other defensive measures, reducing overall combat effectiveness.

Conclusion: Blade Ward is a situationally useful cantrip that offers a quick defensive boost against physical attacks. While its duration is short and it uses an action, the spell can be a lifesaver in dire circumstances where reducing incoming weapon damage is crucial. However, its limited scope and the opportunity cost of using an action make it less attractive compared to other cantrips and defensive options. Blade Ward is best used when the caster anticipates a heavy melee onslaught and needs immediate damage mitigation.